Night has fallen, but you can see the glow of fire ahead of you and so press on, stumbling a few times before a single C'bana comes into view. He sits his great blue wings tucked to his sides as he looks up at you his ears pricking slightly and his spadded tail flicking making the flames along his back move in the slight breeze his tail makes. "Hello." he says simply as the sound of beating wings reaches your ears. Something small flits in front of your face and then flies out into the darkness.

A deep and happy chuckle can be heard and another male C'bana walks in. His silver spotted coat gleaming in the light from the firsts' mane. His own mane is a brilliant yellow, and he too has a pair of large blue wings, only of the dracaonic variety. "So, someone came did they Father? Seem you were right." he pauses, turning his eye on you. You can barely make out that they are a shade of green before he bows. "Sorry about Tes, Traveler. She gets rather happy when we have people here." the little thing, which has zipped in an out of view earlier, is now on his leg. It seems to smile at you shyly. "I'm Zan'set, by the way."
he offers, a slight smile touching his mouth.

"My apologies," says the first male, fixing his own teal color eyes on you. "I've not introduced myself. I am Fane'Xananoy. Zan, as I'm sure you've assumed by now, is my son..." he trails off as the sound of wings is heard again.
Zan'set draws your attention again as he shifts his wings and the small creature, Tes, untwines herself from his leg and flits about for a moment. Zan notices you watching her and smiles. "Snagonfly is Tes." he says before his eyes shift away from you and a grin crosses his face as another C'bana walks into the light.

"Oh at introductions already..I'm getting later ever time." says the new C'bana, smiling and sits down next to Fan'Xananoy. "Well, anyways, I'm Bu'yaii. Wife and Mother." she says, nodding her head to each respectively. "You've probably, also, met our daughter." she says, her eyes shining. "Tia'fana~Zant, but she's off with Jolie and Viola." Bu'yaii says, still smiling.
Zan'set steps up next to you, "Me and Tes will show you to the portal then. I'll see you later Mother, Father." he says nodding to his parents, giving a light goodbye before moving toward the edge of the circle of light. You hesitate, not wanting to leave the warmth and light but Bu'yaii smiles again, nodding encouragingly and waving her wing at you and Fan'Xananoy nods at you.
Somewhat reluctantly you follow Zan'set on.

Name: Fane'Xananoy
Meaning: Winged Flame
Gender: Stallion
ID: 1-149
Parents: wild x wild
Mate: Bu'yaii
Type: Northern, part-elemental
Species: C'bana'Siaco
Children: Tai'fana~Zant, Zan'set
Name: Zan'set
Meaning: Misty Sunset
Gender: Stallion
Id: 1-149
Parents: Fan'Zananoy x Bu'yaii
Mate: None
Type: Northern
Species: C'bana'Siaco
Children: None

Name: Tes
Gender: Female
Species: Snagonfly
Mate: None
Name: Bu'yaii
Meaning: Blue Breeze
Gender: Mare
ID: 1-149
Parents: wild x wild
Mate: Fan'Xananoy
Type: Nothern
Species: C'bana'Siaco
Children: Tai'fana~Zant, Zan'set

All C'bana'Siaco are copy right Pega. :)

Last Updated: 5/28/13